Hari ni..aku dh bertolak balik ke tapah. aku tmpang cousin aku. save skit bajet akak aku...kul 10.15 cousin aku smpai ambk aku dgn opah aku..tp penuh la brg2...mcm tin sardin aku td...dh la cousin aku bwk non stop...aku pnya kaki nk tercabut...sakit gila blakang aku...smpai dlm kul 2.14..smpai ja..mmg letih la..terus msuk dlm...tdr...tgah syok lpak tdr opah aku duk bising pggl aku sruh cari durian...kta durian byk jtuh..sdap2 manis2 lak tu...so aku yg tgah mamai ni...p la msuk htan blakang rmah..tbas2 semak skit..jmpa la dlm 6 bijik..yg elok ada 4 bijik ja..tp aku ambk 3 ja..sbb yg satu ag x dak tngkai..so xle nk ambk..dh la tmbh dgn semut penuh kat durian tu..
ni la gbr2 durian aku ni..
Friday, 25 September 2009
Perjalan Pulang Ke Tapah
Posted by Medabee at 21:18 0 comments
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Picture during Hari Raya
My family picture.
This is a my new family picture that we took during Hari Raya. Our colour theme for this year is brown
Posted by Medabee at 13:04 0 comments
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Open House
Now what I want to say is about my open house that held in my house. I really tired today. Too many people came to my house. I so tired, but I really satisfy with all of this. Sometime I feel happy and sometime I feel miserable. I’m actually not really like open house, because when all event finish we need to clean it up. This is most part that I really hate. After this, I want watch movie with my friends, but my friends don’t confirm it yet with me. I think that’s all what I want to say today. After this I want to make some research about my next assignment. I want to get full mark in this assignment. This will help to get A in Bel 313. This subject its really important to me. This subject will show me how good I am in English. I know this post have a lot of grammar mistake, but I don’t know to avoid it. Anyway I think that’s all for today.
Posted by Medabee at 18:48 0 comments
Friday, 11 September 2009
How to choose good article?
This tips can help you how to choose the good article:
Find the article that have bias to something
Find the article that you think is 'rubbish' or Nonsense(mengarut)for example woman is clever than man? is that true?(nonsense article- hahaha)
Find the article that asking something.
Find the article that make you interesting. ( Warning do not find the article that make you bore to read because you will not read that article carefully)
Article should not long than 5 pages or you will waste your money to print it.
One more thing.. do not find the article that about fact.find more about someone opinon
remember some short article can consist about 7 fallacies.
You need to remember when you find once fallacy, it will come another fallacy. For example if you found scare tactic it probably will come straw man and post hoc, ergo propter hoc. Trus me.
I know you will find the all the fallacies. You need to remember it is really hard to explain the fallacies if you don't enough understand to all the fallacies
Don't use your own opinion to comment the fallacies because you will make another fallacies.
I think that's all what I can give. Hope this can help.
add me At YM amin331_89
Posted by Medabee at 04:31 0 comments
10 Fallacies
10 Fallacies That you should know to do in assignment 2 and use it to argue in assignment 3.
The definition of this 10 fallacies i make by myself this is really simple to understand
The Top Ten Fallacies of All Time
1. Ad Hominem Argument – Argue about something, which has the same meaning. For example, “Look at the house, the house is beautiful”. “No, the house is courageous”.
2. Straw Man – Debate about something that people already know it was not true but the person still want beat a dead house. For example, police officers in bank caught the robber and police officers investigate them in dark room in some place that had been secret. “Why you robe that bank?” ask one of police officer to the robber. The robber say to police officer “Hey, don’t simply accuse me robbed the bank, I just ask the bank clerk to put money in bag and ask other people don’t disturb my job. When they don’t want put money in bag I show my revolver to them that’s all,” said robber to police officer. “Hey stupid that’s not asking ok?” That is call robbery. “No, I don’t like to robbery the bank I very scare to do that” “Hey, what you had did call R.O.B.B.E.R.Y stupid!” The police officer very angry and put that robber to the jail.
3. Argument from outrage – Disputing that use insult manner, argue, and not think something very wisely what to say. It sometimes has vulgar word when it happens. For example, Ali is fight with his friend because his friend took his girl friend. They argue about the manner and Ali insult his friend and use vulgar word to his friend.
4. Scare Tactic: Make a statement that can fear someone by using psychology manner but it do not have evidence to say that. For example, “All of you must finish this assignment or I will fail you in this course”. Say Mr X to his student.
5. Hasty Conclusion: Make the conclusion by not think critically about the result. For example, “You can not simplify that lecturer is bad person base of his face” You need to remember ‘don’t judge book from it’s cover’ “say Joyah to Gayah.
6. Group think – loyalty to group when do something important or it has certain, purpose. For example, In Organizing Event course we need to organise some event. In my event group, there are actually have two different group and we do not like each other. When to do the event we become loyalty each other and help each other because this course need us to work together as team.
7. Red Herring: It was the fallacy that use by brilliant people that can twist the fact and notice that question that might being answer was not the question that had been asked. For example, one of ‘Datuk’ was ask about rumour that said he had scandal to one of local artist. “Datuk is that true that you have scandal with one of our local artist?” “Actually this story had spread around of this country and I don’t know how this happen. I actually not friend with that local artist I was help her to do her job. She like me to help her because she said I kind to help her in her job. I do not know what the best thing to describe about this rumour is. Said ‘Datuk’ to reporter
8. Wishful Thinking: Fail to see something truth. For example, there are two best friends, Senah and Joyah. Senah had boyfriend his name is Kulob. One day Senah’s boyfriend go date with Joyah and Kulob give Senah ring. Joyah meet Senah and show to Senah about that ring which Kulob give to her. Senah did not agree. She thought Kulob only give Joyah ring as friend gift but she did not know her boy friend has fair with her best friend.
9. Argument from Popularity: The believing according what all of people said and it must be true. The example, everybody said that people who take TESL in university only can be teacher and there cannot change their profession.
10. Pos hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc: The two same things happened around the same time but it does mean that one is caused for another. For example, Senah want to kill Joyah because Joyah took Senah’s boyfriend. She plans to kill her by using rat poison. One day she put rat poison on Joyah food, but before Joyah start to eat suddenly, Joyah fainted. Senah shock and take Joyah to hospital. Before Joyah arrive at hospital, Joyah died. Doctor said that Joyah died because of heart disease. Senah very happy because Joyah died he can go back to her boyfriend back.
Posted by Medabee at 04:22 0 comments
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Today Is tired
I had account test this evening. I really confuse to do that test. Because i don't balance the account. Today also make me tired because i need to explain to all of my friends about the top 10 fallacies . Actually it really simple if we understand what is all ten fallacies about. Once you understand the fallacies so we can to ahead to find the article that have all the fallacies. i think I want to finish up my assignment in this weekend so that I can relax and enjoy my day very well.
Posted by Medabee at 10:12 0 comments
Monday, 7 September 2009
Pekerja KFC
Kejadian terjadi ketika tanpa diduga sesorang telah termasuk kedalam kuali penggorengan KFC yang sedang mendidih. Dari keterangan saksi bahwa terjadi pergaduhan didapur KFC ketika mangsa sedang bekerja disitu.
Ketika ditemubual ada percanggahan versi bahwa yang masuk ke dalam kuali penggorengan adalah pegawai KFC dan sumber lain mengatakan pencuri.
korban tidak lagi dapat dikenali lagi dan tidak dicam identitinya akibat tergoreng dalam minyak yang mendidih. foto-foto tentang kemalangan ini tidak boleh disebarkan, tapi tetap ada yang membocorkan rahasia dan dapat disaksikan foto korban disini. Pesan buat yang takut ngeri atau punya gangguan jantung tidak usah melihatnya.
ini dia gbr tersebut...
Posted by Medabee at 07:06 0 comments
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Cte dari Jepun
Pada suatu ketika di Jepun hiduplah seorang lelaki yang sederhana, namanya Oda. Ia memiliki seorang isteri yang sangat cantik dan sangat disayanginya.
Namun sang isteri mempunyai perangai yang buruk, iaitu teramat cerewet sekali.
Selain itu sang isteri tersebut juga suka mengumpat dan bercakap dengan kuat hingga boleh menyakitkan telinga. Jiran tetangga tidak mahu dekat dengannya. Sebenarnya, Oda sangat menyayangi isterinya itu, tapi para tetangganya yang merasa terganggu menghasut Oda supaya meninggalkan isterinya itu.
Akhirnya Oda pun termakan kata-kata tetangganya. Ia berfikir bagaimana cara untuk melenyapkan isterinya dari muka bumi.
Suatu hari Oda mengajak isterinya berjalan-jalan ke kuil tua di tengah hutan. Ketika melalui bahagian belakang kuil tersebut, Oda melihat sebuah perigi buta yang tak digunakan lagi. Maka ia berpura-pura mengajak isterinya melihat burung di pohon besar dekat perigi itu. Lantas dengan pantas Oda menolak isterinya itu masuk ke perigi.
Sepuluh minit pertama Oda merasa sangat bahagia kerana sepanjang hidupnya baru kali ini ia merasakan suasana yang begitu tenang tanpa celoteh isterinya.
Sepuluh minit kedua, Oda mulai merasa sepi juga karena tidak biasa dengan kesunyian.
Akhirnya sepuluh minit ketiga dengan rasa ragu-ragu Oda kembali menuju perigi buta tersebut. Ia menurunkan tali timba dan berteriak menyuruh isterinya naik.
Begitu terkejutnya Oda ketika yang naik bukan isterinya melainkan makhluk menyeramkan dengan bulu lebat di seluruh tubuhnya, dialah makhluk penunggu perigi buta itu.
Oda lantas bertanya, "Kenapa kamu yang naik??"
Lantas makhluk itu pun dengan wajah pucat ketakutan menjawab, "Aku takut la, di bawah tu ada manusia... dah la cakap kuat cerewet pulak tu..."
Posted by Medabee at 19:28 0 comments